About Sharon Legion Baseball

Aerial view of the Sharon High School property prominently showing the building, parking lot and baseball field.  Behind it, Lake Massapoag in the distance.

Fast Facts

Sharon Legion Baseball operates under the authority of Sharon Post 106 of the American Legion.

    Sharon baseball players in a post-game meeting after a big win


    American Legion baseball has made its return to Sharon, Massachusetts after a long hiatus.

    In 2023, despite strong interest, no organized summer baseball options were available in town for players aged 14 and older. To address this gap, local families came together to form an independent team, which competed in a Babe Ruth league that summer.

    This effort laid the groundwork for the ultimate goal: reviving American Legion baseball in Sharon. By the summer of 2024, the Junior team took the field for the first time. Then, in January 2025, approval was granted to add a Senior team, set to debut in the summer of 2025.

    Sharon Legion Senior Team Head Coach Michael Berkley

    Michael Berkley

    Sharon Legion Junior Team Head Coach Kevin Collins

    Kevin Collins

    Sharon High School Baseball Field batters box

    Notable Sharon Players

    Played as Sharon Residents

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